Stay is, in our opinion, the ideal name for the product we are building.
Specifically intended to make it easy to Stay.
But why the extra Y?
Well, a couple reasons. First domain names are more and more difficult to get. Especially short property spelled .com domain names, some of which is due to domain squatters trying to sell them for obscene amounts of money. Stayy was one of many natural option to extend stay and find an available domain name.
For stylization of the brand logo, STAYY also lends itself beautifully to the use of negative space between the two Ys. Creating a little minimalist house with the addition of our logo mark open door. Just look how cute that little house is! After all, Stayy is here to help you open your door to trusted friends and family.
Here are a few reasons that make Stayy perfect for managing your property:
Stayy only works when people share their properties, so share your place today. And post to your favorite social media so your friends and family can share their places too.
© 2025 STAYY LLC. All rights reserved.